Management Information 

Philosophy Strategy Risk Management Compliance Investment Division Staff

We shall do our best to protect interest and properties of customers as a good manager. 

We shall try our best for efficient management of customer assets by nurturing knowledge gained through research and studies at all times 

We shall not engage in any unfair conducts and disclose information acquired during the business without justification 

We shall manage customer assets fairly with discretion excluding external influences. 

We shall comply all relevant laws and regulations to manage customer assets in sound manner 

(04520) 12F, Seoul Finance Center, 136, Sejong-daero, 
Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
TEL.  02.3783.9500

Copyright(C) 2019 RIFA ASSET MANEAGEMET Co., Ltd All rights reserve

(04520) 12F, Seoul Finance Center, 136, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea     l    Tel.  02.3783.9500

Copyright(C) 2019 RIFA ASSET MANEAGEMET Co., Ltd All rights reserve